Different Types Of Powerchairs

There are different types of powerchairs to suit your individual requirements.

Things to consider when purchasing an electric powered wheelchair:

  • Overall Size 
  • Type of wheelbase front, mid and rear wheel drive powerchairs.
  • Transportation, how are you going transport your powerchair 
  • Adaptability think about having a powerchair that can easily be adapted to your changing medical condition.
  • Communication 
  • Different environment and accessibility. 
  • Range how far are you wanting to travel on one charge.
  • Seating for comfort, positioning and pressure relief 

Powerchair Wheelbase's
What’s The Difference?

Front wheel drive powerchairs, the main drive wheels are at the front of the chassis with two castors at the rear. Having larger wheels at the front can offer much smoother obstacle climbing and greater manoeuvrability within tight spaces.

Mid wheel drive powerchairs, the main drive wheels are directly under the user in the centre of the chassis, with two castors wheels in front and a further two castors behind. Often found to be the most intuitive to drive and allows for the tightest turning circle.

Rear wheel drive powerchairs, the main drive wheels are at the rear of the chassis with two castors at the front. This type of electric powered wheelchair offers a very stable base that enables you to drives in a straight line, particularly at higher speeds.

Electric Seating Options Available on selected powerchairs  

Electric Tilt in Space used for changing your seating position independently throughout the day to relieve pressure. 

Electric Hi / Low (Seat Lift) there’s lots of different benefits in choosing to use electric Hi / Low function on your powerchair, help with:

Transfers enables you to raise your seat to the same high for easier transfers.

Communication enables you to interact so that your at eye level (see me) when communicating in different environments.

Independence enables you to reach things from a kitchen cupboard or office files at work. accessibility whilst your out and about shopping items up high, access to cash points and much more.

Electric Recline mainly used for more relaxation and comfort. Also works well when used in combination with tilt in space to open up the hip angle allowing better posture and pressure relief whilst seating.

Electric Negative Tilt,  can assist you with standing transfers 

Joystick Controls

Joystick Alignment choose either left or right hand control

Attendant Control enables family member friend or carer to control your powerchair.

Dual Control easily swap from occupant to attendant by touch if a button.

More specialist controls and input devices available upon request.